WB PSC Assistant Teacher Syllabus Download
WBPSC Syllabus for Hindi:
- अलंका.
- रस.
- समास.
- पर्यायवाची.
- विलोम.
- तत्सम एवं तद्भव.
- संधियां.
- वाक्याशों के लिये एक शब्द निर्माण.
- लोकोक्तियां एवं मुहावरे.
- वाक्यसंशोधन- लिंग, वचन, कारक, काल, वर्तनी, त्रुटि से संबंधित.
- अनेकार्थी शब्द.
WBPSC Syllabus for English:
- Adjectives.
- Clauses.
- Vocabulary.
- Fill in the blanks.
- Grammar.
- Spot the error.
- Antonyms.
- Synonyms/ Homonyms.
- Sentence structure.
- Spellings.
WBPSC Sahayak Adhyap
Syllabus for Environmental Science:- Quantum Chemistry.
- Chemical Kinetics.
- Thermodynamics.
- Electrochemistry.
- Photochemistry.
- Atomic and Molecular Physics.
- Condensed Matter Physics.
- Nuclear and Particle Physics.
- Electronics.
- Electromagnetic Theory.
WBPSC Teacher Syllabus for Mathematics:
- Exploring Real Numbers.
- Understanding Logarithms.
- Sets.
- Polynomials.
- Linear Equations.
- Quadratic Equation.
- Progressions.
- Coordinate Geometry.
- Triangles.
- Tangents.
- Mensuration.
- Trigonometry.
- Probability.
- Statistics.
WBPSC Assistant Master Syllabus for Teaching Aptitude:
- Real Numbers.
- Elementary Number Theory.
- Matrices.
- Polynomials.
- Quadratic Equations.
- Linear Equations in two variables.
- Inequalities.
- Combinatorics.
- Calculus.
- A pair of Linear Equations .
- Arithmetic Progressions.
- Euclidean Geometry.
- Coordinate Geometry.
- Areas and Volumes.
- Trigonometry.
- Statistics.
- Probability.
WBPSC Assistant Master Syllabus for General Intelligence:
- History of India.
- Geography of India.
- Economic issues in India.
- National news (current).
- International issues.
- Scientific observations.
- Indian Culture.
- New inventions.
- Political Science.
- About India and it’s neighboring countries.
- National and international current affairs.
- Countries and capitals.
- Constitution of India.
WBPSC Sahayak Adyapak Syllabus for Environmental Science:
- Content
- Family and Friends.
- Relationships.
- Work and Play.
- Animals.
- Pedagogical Issues
- Concept and scope of EVS.
- The significance of EVS integrated EVS.
- Environmental Studies & Environmental Educational.
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