
Last 9 Month Current Affairs July 2021 to March 2022 - Current Affairs pdf by - E 1 Coaching Center | E 1 Coaching Center Current Affairs pdf Download

Last  9 Month Current Affairs July 2021 to March 2022 - Current Affairs pdf by - E 1  Coaching Center | E 1  Coaching Center Current Affairs pdf  Download 

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 1. Who has become the youngest-ever Chess Grandmaster in history? इतिहास में सबसे कम उम्र के शिरंज ग्रैंडमास्टर कौन बने हैं? 

a) Pratyush Chaudhary b) Abhimanyu Mishra c) Stanley Jacob

 d) Abhyudey Pandey 

2. Which among the following cities record world's highest temperature? तनम्नलिखिि में से कौन सा शहर विश्ि का उच्चिम िापमान ररकॉडड करिा है?

 a) Dhaka b) Jacobabad c) Jaisalmer d) Islamabad 

3. Who is set to become the second Indian-born woman to fly to space after Kalpana Chawla? कल्पना चाििा के बाद अंिररक्ष में उडान भरने िािी दसू री भारिीय मूि की महहिा कौन बनने के लिए िैयार है?

 a) Sirisha Bandla b) Sunita Williams c) Shawna Pandya d) None of the above

 4. Army Chief MM Naravane is scheduled to inaugurate a war memorial for Indian soldiers in which nation? सेना प्रमुि एमएम नरिणे ककस देश मेंभारिीय सैतनकों के लिए एक युद्ध स्मारक का उद्घाटन करने िािे हैं? 

a) Italy b) Spain c) Portugal d) Israel 

5. Who is the new CEO of Amazon? अमेज़न के नए सीईओ कौन हैं?

 a) Elon Musk b) Richard Branson c) Andy Jassy d) Sundar Pichai

 6. Ramgarh Vishdhari Sanctuary has been named as the fourth Tiger Reserve in which among the following states? रामगढ़ विषधारी अभयारण्य को तनम्नलिखिि में से ककस राज्य में चौथे टाइगर ररजिड के रूप में नालमि ककया गया है?

 a) Gujarat b) Madhya Pradesh c) Maharashtra d) Rajasthan 

7. Who is the new Health Minister of India? भारि के नए स्िास््य मंत्री कौन हैं?

 a) Ashwini Vaishnaw b) Kiren Rijiju c) Mansukh Mandaviya d) G Kishan Reddy 

8. India has signed a Rail Services Agreement with which nation? भारि ने ककस देश के साथ रेि सेिा समझौिे पर हस्िाक्षर ककए हैं? 

a) Nepal b) Bangladesh c) Myanmar d) Bhutan 

9. Which state's Chief Minister has announced ex gratia of Rs 5 lakh each to the family of those killed in lightning strikes? ककस राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री ने बबजिी गगरने से मारे गए िोगों के पररिार को 5-5 िाि रुपये की अनुग्रह रालश देने की घोषणा की है? 

a) Madhya Pradesh b) Rajasthan c) Bihar d) Telangana 

10. Who won Wimbledon Men's singles title 2021? विबं िडन पुरुष एकि खििाब 2021 ककसने जीिा? 

a) Novak Djokovic b) Roger Federer c) Rafael Nadal d) Matteo Berrettini 

11. Which nation won Euro Cup 2020 for the first time since 1968? 1968 के बाद पहिी बार ककस देश ने यूरो कप 2020 जीिा?

 a) England b) Switzerland c) Italy d) Spain 

12. Which Aerospace and defense manufacturer recently provided the Indian Navy with its 10th P-8I aircraft? हाि ही में ककस एयरोस्पेस और रक्षा तनमाडिा ने भारिीय नौसेना को अपना 10िां P-8I विमान प्रदान ककया है?

 a) Northrop Grumman b) GE Aviation c) Lockheed Martin d) Boeing 

13. Which city hosted the SCO Foreign Ministers Meeting on July 14, 2021? 14 जुिाई, 2021 को ककस शहर ने एससीओ विदेश मंबत्रयों की बैठक की मेजबानी की?

 a) Dushanbe b) Almaty c) Bishkek d) Tashkent 

14. Which state government has collaborated with Google to launch a real-time bus tracking system? रीयि-टाइम बस ट्रैककंग लसस्टम शुरू करने के लिए ककस राज्य सरकार ने Google के साथ सहयोग ककया है?

 a) Gujarat b) Punjab c) Haryana d) Delhi 

15. Who is the current Attorney General of India? भारि के ििडमान महान्यायिादी कौन हैं? a) KK Venugopal b) Tushar Mehta c) Manoj Mukund Naravane d) Bipin Rawat 

16. Which payment system has been barred from issuing new cards from July 22? 22 जुिाई से ककस भुगिान प्रणािी को नए काडड जारी करने से रोक हदया गया है? 

a) Mastercard b) Visa c) Rupay d) None of the Above 

17. Asia's first national dolphin research centre will be built in which Indian city? एलशया का पहिा राष्ट्ट्रीय डॉल्ल्िन अनुसंधान कें द्र ककस भारिीय शहर में बनाया जाएगा? 

a) Patna b) Varanasi c) Kokata d) Prayagraj 

18. India's largest solar park will be built in which state? भारि का सबसे बडा सोिर पाकड ककस राज्य में बनाया जाएगा?

 a) Telangana b) Gujarat c) Andhra Pradesh d) Karnataka 

19. Which nation has become the second country to adopt India’s BHIM-UPI? कौन सा देश भारि के भीम-यूपीआई को अपनाने िािा दसू रा देश बन गया है?

 a) Malaysia b) Maldives c) Mauritius d) Bhutan 

20. India’s first ‘Grain ATM’ has been set up in which among the following cities? भारि का पहिा 'अनाज एटीएम' तनम्नलिखिि में से ककस शहर में स्थावपि ककया गया है? 

a) Gurugram b) Delhi c) Pune d) Bengaluru

21. Which High Court will become the first one in India to allow public viewing of proceedings? कौन सा उच्च न्यायािय कायडिाही को सािजड तनक रूप से देिने की अनुमति देने िािा भारि का पहिा उच्च न्यायािय बन जाएगा?

 a) Delhi High Court b) Bombay High Court c) Madras High Court d) Gujarat High Court 

22. Which among the following sports will be making its debut in Tokyo 2020 Olympics? तनम्नलिखिि में से कौन सा िेि टोक्यो 2020 ओिंवपक में पदापडण करेगा? 

a) Surfing b) Golf c) Equestrian d) Fencing 

[Basketball, skateboarding, sport climbing, surfing and Karate are 6 sports which will be making its debut in Tokyo 2020 Olympics.]

23. When is Nelson Mandela Day celebrated? नेल्सन मंडेिा हदिस कब मनाया जािा है? 

a) July 17th b) July 18th c) July 19th d) July 20th 

24. Which nation has unveiled 600 kmph maglev train, the fastest ground vehicle globally? ककस देश ने 600 ककमी प्रति घंटे की रफ्िार से चिने िािी मैग्िेि ट्रेन का अनािरण ककया है, जो विश्ि स्िर पर सबसे िेज जमीनी िाहन है? 

a) Japan b) Singapore c) South Korea d) China 

25. As per a new study, which rainforest is emitting more carbon dioxide (CO2) than it absorbs? एक नए अध्ययन के अनुसार, कौन सा िषाडिन अिशोवषि होने से अगधक काबडन डाइऑक्साइड (CO2) उत्सल्जडि कर रहा है? 

a) Sundarbans Reserve Forest b) Congo Rainforest c) Daintree Rainforest d) Amazon Rainforest 

26. The first human infection case of Monkey B Virus (BV) was reported in which nation? मंकी बी िायरस (बीिी) का पहिा मानि संक्रमण का मामिा ककस देश में दजड ककया गया था? 

a) South Korea b) India c) China d) Malaysia

 27. Ramappa Temple has become the 39th Indian site to be inscribed in UNESCO’s World Heritage List. It is located in which state? रामप्पा मंहदर यूनेस्को की विश्ि विरासि सूची में अंककि होने िािा 39िां भारिीय स्थि बन गया है। यह ककस राज्य में ल्स्थि है?

 a) Telangana b) Karnataka c) Tamil Nadu d) Kerala 

28. Mirabai Chanu won silver at Tokyo Olympics 2020 in the women’s 49-kg category of which sport? मीराबाई चानूने टोक्यो ओिंवपक 2020 में ककस िेि की महहिा 49 ककग्रा िगड में रजि पदक जीिा? 

a) Wrestling b) Weightlifting c) Boxing d) Shooting

 29. World's largest floating solar farm is being planned to be built in which nation? विश्ि का सबसे बडा फ्िोहटंग सोिर िामड ककस देश में बनाने की योजना है?

 a) Malaysia b) The Philippines c) Indonesia d) Australia 

30. Which country is set to build the world's first clean commercial nuclear reactor? कौन सा देश दतुनया का पहिा स्िच्छ िाखणल्ज्यक परमाणु ररएक्टर बनाने के लिए िैयार है?

 a) US b) China c) Russia d) Japan 

31. Which nation is competing in the Tokyo Olympics under the ROC? ROC के िहि टोक्यो ओिंवपक में कौन सा देश प्रतिस्पधाड कर रहा है? 

a) North Korea b) Palestine c) Myanmar d) Russia

 32. Who launched the Green Sohra Afforestation Campaign in Cherrapunji? चेरापूंजी में ग्रीन सोहरा िनीकरण अलभयान ककसने शुरू ककया?

 a) Amit Shah b) PM Narendra Modi c) Rajnath Singh d) Jitendra Singh 

33. India will take part in the 12th edition of a joint military exercise in Volgograd in August with which country? भारि अगस्ि में ककस देश के साथ िोल्गोग्राड में संयुक्ि सैन्य अभ्यास के 12िें संस्करण में भाग िेगा? 

a) Japan b) US c) Australia d) Russia

 34. Hubble Space Telescope has discovered the first evidence of water vapor on which planet's moon? हबि स्पेस टेिीस्कोप ने ककस ग्रह के चंद्रमा पर जििाष्ट्प का पहिा प्रमाण िोजा है?

 a) Saturn b) Jupiter c) Neptune d) Uranus 

35. Which is the largest moon in our solar system? हमारे सौरमंडि का सबसे बडा चंद्रमा कौन सा है? 

a) Ganymede b) Europa c) Titan d) Moon

 36. Which country has become the world's first to approve genetically modified ‘golden rice’ for production? कौन सा देश उत्पादन के लिए आनुिंलशक रूप से संशोगधि 'गोल्डन राइस' को मंजूरी देने िािा दतुनया का पहिा देश बन गया है? 

a) Singapore b) Japan c) The Philippines d) Sweden 

37. World’s largest star sapphire cluster has been found in which nation? विश्ि का सबसे बडा िारा नीिम समूह ककस देश में पाया गया है? 

a) Sri Lanka b) Maldives c) Indonesia d) Mauritius 

38. What is the name of India's newest airline startup? भारि के निीनिम एयरिाइन स्टाटडअप का नाम क्या है? 

a) Akash b) Akaisha c) Akasa d) Aksa 

39. Which space agency is all set to launch the world’s first reprogrammable commercial satellite? कौन सी अंिररक्ष एजेंसी दतुनया का पहिा पुन: प्रोग्राम करने योग्य िाखणल्ज्यक उपग्रह िॉन्च करने के लिए िैयार है? 

a) CNSA b) ISRO c) NASA d) ESA


 Current Affairs August 2021 

1. Kuthiran tunnel has open partially in which Indian state? कुगथरन सुरंग भारि के ककस राज्य में आंलशक रूप से िुिी है? 

a) J&K b) Assam c) Goa d) Kerala 

2. What is the name of the new digital payment solution launched recently by PM Narendra Modi? हाि ही में प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्िारा शुरू ककए गए नए डडल्जटि भुगिान समाधान का नाम क्या है? 

a) e-RUPI b) RPAY c) P-Money d) PAYM 

3. Centre has decided to establish how many Khelo India Centers across the country? कें द्र ने देश भर में ककिने िेिो इंडडया कें द्र स्थावपि करने का तनणडय लिया है? 

a) 100 b) 500 c) 800 d) 1000 

4. India’s first earthquake early warning mobile app has been launched for which state? भारि का पहिा भूकंप पूिड चेिािनी मोबाइि ऐप ककस राज्य के लिए िॉन्च ककया गया है?

 a) Sikkim b) Assam c) Gujarat d) Uttarakhand 

5. Which state government has launched a doorstep healthcare scheme ‘Makkalai Thedi Maruthuvam’? ककस राज्य सरकार ने घर-घर स्िास््य सेिा योजना 'मक्किाई थेदी मारुथुिम' शुरू की है?

 a) Kerala b) Karnataka c) Tamil Nadu d) Telangana

 6. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award has been rechristened to honour which Indian sporting legend? राजीि गांधी िेि रत्न पुरस्कार का नाम बदिकर ककस भारिीय िेि हदग्गज को सम्मातनि ककया गया है?

 a) Milkha Singh b) Dhyan Chand c) Kapil Dev d) PT Usha 

7. Who was the first Indian woman to pilot an aircraft? विमान का संचािन करने िािी पहिी भारिीय महहिा कौन थी? 

a) Vandana Thakaria b) SarlaThukral c) LovlinaBorgohain d) Sunita Verma

 8. Who among the following won India's first gold in athletics at Tokyo Olympics 2020? तनम्नलिखिि में से ककसने टोक्यो ओिंवपक 2020 में एथिेहटक्स में भारि का पहिा स्िणड पदक जीिा? 

a) Bajrang Punia b) MirabaiChanu c) Neeraj Chopra d) Ravi Kumar Dahiya 

9. The centre has allocated how much fund to implement the Deep Ocean Mission? कें द्र ने डीप ओशन लमशन को िागू करने के लिए ककिना िं ड आिंहटि ककया है?

 a) Rs 4077 crore b) Rs 3000 crore c) Rs 2567 crore d) Rs 5873 crore 

10. Which state government has renamed Kakori Conspiracy as Kakori Train Action? ककस राज्य सरकार ने काकोरी षडयंत्र का नाम बदिकर काकोरी ट्रेन एक्शन कर हदया है?

 a) Uttar Pradesh b) Madhya Pradesh c) Gujarat d) Punjab 

11. Who of the following is known as the father of modern Olympics? तनम्नलिखिि में से ककसे आधुतनक ओिंवपक के जनक के रूप में जाना जािा है? a) Demetrius Vikelas b) Henri de Baillet-Latour c) J. SigfridEdström d) Pierre De Coubertin

 12. Which wrestler has been temporarily suspended by the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI)? भारिीय कुश्िी महासंघ (WFI) ने ककस पहििान को अस्थायी रूप से तनिंबबि कर हदया है?

 a) Bajrang Punia b) VineshPhogat c) Anshu Malik d) Deepak Punia 

13. What is the theme of International Youth Day 2021? अंिराडष्ट्ट्रीय युिा हदिस 2021 का विषय क्या है? 

a) Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health b) Youth for Climate Action c) Youth -Innovate, Challenge and Take Action d) Youth for Ocean health system

 14. Which state government has decided to give 1 percent reservation in education and jobs to children orphaned due to COVID-19? 

 a) Maharashtra b) Gujarat c) Uttar Pradesh d) Madhya Pradesh 

15. Which state's Chief Minister has launched faceless transport services? 

 a) Uttar Pradesh b) Haryana c) Punjab d) Delhi

 16. What is the theme for Independence Day 2021? 

 a) Nation First, Always First b) Atmanirbhar Bharat c) Healthcare first d) India always first

 17. Which has become the first ‘Water Plus’ certified city in India?

 a) Bhopal b) Ahmedabad c) Indore d) Pune

 18. The world’s second largest refurbished gene bank has been established in which nation?

 a) Sri Laka b) India c) Malaysia d) Myanmar 

19. Which state's Chief Minister has announced Smart Health Cards for 3.5 crore people? 

 a) Odisha b) Jharkhand c) Bihar d) West Bengal

 20. Which state has become the third one to present a separate agricultural budget? 

 a) Kerala b) Telangana c) Madhya Pradesh d) Tamil Nadu 

21. Radhakishan Damani has entered World’s 100 Richest People List. He is the owner of which Indian retail company? 

 a) DMart b) Future Retail c) Shoppers Stop d) Reliance Retail 

22. When is World Humanitarian Day 2021? 

a) August 18th b) August 19th c) August 20th d) August 21st 

23. Who was known as the Lion of Panjshir? 

 a) Ahmad Shah Massoud b) Ahmad Massoud c) Amrulla Saleh d) Hamid Karzai

 24. Who has been elected as the new President of the Institute of Economic Growth (IEG) Society? 

a) N K Singh b) Raghuram Rajan c) Abhijit Banerjee d) Amartya Sen 

25. US Congress will posthumously award Gold Medal to which Indian freedom fighter? 

 a) Subhas Chandra Bose b) BR Ambedkar c) Jawaharlal Nehru d) Mahatma Gandhi

 26. Which nation has formally approved a threechild policy to prevent a demographic crisis? 

 a) Japan b) South Korea c) North Korea d) China 

27. India's Shaili Singh won silver at the World Athletics U20 Championships in which sporting event event? 

 a) Javelin Throw b) Long Jump c) Discus Throw d) 200m 

28. India’s first smog tower has been inaugurated in which state/ UT? 

a) Delhi b) Uttar Pradesh c) Haryana d) Punjab 

29. Who was India's flag-bearer at Tokyo Paralympics Opening Ceremony? 

 a) Tek Chand b) MariyappanThangavelu c) Prachi Yadav d) Devendra Jhajaria 

30. What name has India given to its operation to evacuate citizens from Afghanistan? 

 a) Operation Himmat b) Operation Shakti c) Operation Bharat d) Operation Devi Shakti 

31. India has signed a pact with which nation for the largest-ever infrastructure project? 

 a) Malaysia b) Indonesia c) Vietnam d) Maldives 

32. The ideals of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity in the Preamble of the Indian constitution have been borrowed from which nation's constitution? 

 a) US b) Germany c) Japan d) France 

33. Who has become the first Indian woman to win gold at Paralympics? 

 a) BhavinaPatel b) AvaniLekhara c) Rubina Francis d) Sonalben Manubhai Patel 

34. Which state will implement a new 10-year climate action plan by year-end?

a) Delhi b) Haryana c) Uttar Pradesh d) Punjab

 35. How is West Nile Virus transmitted? 

 a) Bacteria b) Mosquitos c) Birds d) Bats


1. D 2.A 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D 21. A 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. D 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. D 31. D 32. D 33. A 34. A 35. B 

 Current Affairs September 2021 

1. When will the BH series number plate be introduced? 

 a) September 20th b) September 15th c) September 25th d) September 30th 

2. Dr. Firdausi Qadri was named as one of the five winners of the 63rd Ramon Magsaysay Awards. She belongs to which nation?

 a) Pakistan b) Bangladesh c) Indonesia d) Sri Lanka 

3. Which nation signed a Project Agreement with India for Air-Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicle? 

 a) Germany b) US c) Japan d) Russia

 4. Indian Army has signed a contract with a Bengaluru-based company for how many SkyStrikers? 

 a) 35 b) 50 c) 75 d) 100 

5. The Karbi Anglong Agreement was signed by the centre with which state's ethnic community? 

 a) Arunachal Pradesh b) Assam c) Sikkim d) West Bengal 

6. Which state government plans to undertake public welfare projects worth 

 a) Gujarat b) Uttar Pradesh c) Madhya Pradesh d) Rajasthan 

7. Former SBI Chairman Rajnish Kumar has been appointed as the economic advisor of which Indian state? 

a) Tamil Nadu b) Karnataka c) Telangana d) Andhra Pradesh

 8. What is the name of the 1000th near-earth asteroid that passed the planet recently? 

a) 2021 PJ1 b) 2021 AJ193 c) 2021 AFK d) 2021 TJY 

9. When will the world's first all-civilian space mission-Inspiration4 be launched? 

 a) September 15th b) September 30th c) October 10th d) October 15th

 10. Whose birth anniversary will be celebrated as the Day of Social Justice in Tamil Nadu?

 a) Jayalalithaa b) M Karunanidhi c) M G Ramachandran. d) E V Ramasamy Periyar 

11. Who became the first IAS officer to win a Paralympic medal? 

 a) SumitAntil b) SuhasYathiraj c) Devendra Jhajharia d) Krishna Nagar 

12. India’s 1st Emergency Landing Facility was inaugurated on National Highway 925A stretch in which state? 

a) Rajasthan b) Gujarat c) Madhya Pradesh d) Uttar Pradesh

 13. Kongthong village has been nominated as UNWTO ‘Best Tourism Village’. It is located in which state? 

 a) Arunachal Pradesh b) Meghalaya c) Manipur d) Mizoram 

14. India will hold '2+2' dialogue with which nation on September 11 to discuss Afghanistan and Indo-Pacific region? 

 a) UK b) France c) Australia d) Japan 

15. Medicine from the Sky project has been launched in which state? 

 a) Gujarat b) Telangana c) Karnataka d) Madhya Pradesh 

16. World's largest plant that can capture carbon dioxide directly from the air has started operating in which nation? 

 a) Ireland b) Sweden c) Iceland d) Greenland 

17. When is QUAD Summit 2021 scheduled to take place? 

 a) September 23rd b) September 24th c) September 25th d) September 26th 

18. Which state launched Millet Mission with the aim of becoming the millet hub of India? 

 a) Chhattisgarh b) Jharkhand c) Telangana d) Andhra Pradesh 

19. Which state has declared encroachment of temple land as cognizable and non-bailable offence? 

a) Tamil Nadu b) Kerala c) Karnataka d) Telangana 

20. When is International Day of Democracy observed? 

 a) September 14th b) September 15th c) September 16th d) September 17th 

21. What is the name of the new defence pact announced by the US, UK and Australia? 


 22. When is World Ozone Day 2021 observed? 

a) September 14th b) September 15th c) September 16th d) September 17th 

23. Who launched Rail Kaushal Vikas Yojana on September 17, 2021? 

 a) Ashwini Vaishnaw b) HM Amit Shah c) Mansukh Mandaviya d) Hardeep Singh Puri 

24. India's Shefali Juneja has been elected as first woman chairperson of which UN agency's security committee?


25. Which two cities will be connected by the world's longest highway that is being built in India? 

 a) Delhi-Kochi b) Delhi-Ranchi c) Delhi-Mumbai d) Delhi- Hyderabad 

26. Which world leader has been honoured with the SDG Progress award? 

 a) Sheikh Hasina b) PM Yoshihide Suga c) Scott Morrison d) Jacinda Ardern

 27. Which company will become the first private one to manufacture a military aircraft in India? 

 a) TATA b) Reliance c) BrahMos Aerospace d) Bharat Electronics 

28. Which nation insisted on the Taliban's participation in the SAARC Foreign Ministers meeting? 

a) Pakistan b) China c) Bangladesh d) Nepal

 29. Which state has launched Nirbhaya - Ek Pahal programme?

 a) Delhi b) Uttar Pradesh c) Haryana d) Punjab

 30. La Palma island, which recently witnessed a volcanic eruption, comes under the administration of which nation? 

a) Spain b) Portugal c) Mauritania d) Guinea 

31. Which among the following nations said that it tested a hypersonic gliding missile on September 28th? 

 a) Israel b) Iran c) South Korea d) North Korea

 32. What is the name of the satellite that has been launched recently by NASA to be its new eyes in the sky?

 a) Landsat 9 b) Ragnak I c) Sparta II d) Earthsat 3 

ANSWER KEY 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. A 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. C 26. A 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. A 31. D 32. A 

Current Affairs October 2021

 1. Which country has introduced a new currency with six fewer zeros? 

 a) Brazil b) Venezuela c) Colombia d) Mexico 

2. Which state has become the first Indian one to begin organised cultivation of Cinnamon? 

 a) Assam b) Himachal Pradesh c) Uttarakhand d) Sikkim 

3. Benjamin List and David W.C. MacMillan have won 2021 Nobel Prize in which category? 

 a) Chemistry b) Physics c) Literature d) Peace 

4. Who have been jointly awarded Nobel Prize in Medicine 2021? 

 a) David Julius, Ardem Patapoutian b) Manabe, Hasselmann c) Hasselmann, Parisi d) Benjamin List and David W.C. Macmillan

 5. The world's largest khadi national flag was inaugurated in which state/ union territory? 

a) Ladakh b) Jammu and Kashmir c) Himachal Pradesh d) Uttarakhand 

6. Who has been named the brand ambassador of Uttar Pradesh's one-district, one-product scheme? 

a) Sonu Sood b) Ajay Devgun c) Kangana Ranaut d) Sunny Deol 

7. Which country's Hockey Federation has withdrawn from 2022 Commonwealth Games? 

 a) England b) India c) New Zealand d) Australia

 8. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize 2021? 

 a) Benjamin List and David MacMillan b) Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann c) Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov d) Abdulrazak Gurnah 

9. Who has topped the Forbes India Rich List 2021 for the 14th consecutive year? 

 a) Mukesh Ambani b) Gautam Adani c) Cyrus Poonawalla d) Lakshmi Mittal

 10. Which nation plans to launch a mission to explore an asteroid between Mars and Jupiter? 

 a) US b) China c) UAE d) Japan 

11. Which bank has launched an NAV-eCash card for the Indian Navy to remove cash dependency when the ship is at high seas? 

 a) SBI b) PNB c) RBI d) Canara 

12. Which dwarf planet's atmosphere is starting to disappear, as per scientists? 

 a) Eris b) Pluto c) Ceres d) Mercury

 13. Which among the following companies have launched the Starlink satellite internet service?

 a) Amazon b) SpaceX c) Virgin Galactic d) Bharti Airtel 

14. Alexander Schallenberg has been sworn in as the new Chancellor of which nation? 

 a) Germany b) Denmark c) Austria d) Ireland 

15. When was International Energy Agency set up?

16. Who has been awarded 22nd Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award for Excellence? 

 a) Dr Indira Reddy b) Dr Randeep Guleria c) Dr Naresh Trehan d) Dr Arvind Kumar 

17. Ibha has been unveiled as the official mascot of which sports tournament? 

 a) FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup 2022 b) FIFA Women's World Cup 2022 c) FIFA Men's World Cup 2022 d) T20 Men's Cricket World Cup 

18. Which Indian footballer has broken Brazilian legend Pele's international goal record? 

 a) Gurpreet Singh Sandhu b) Jeje Lalpekhlua c) Subrata Pal d) Sunil Chhetri 

19. The centre has cut short the Border Security Force's jurisdiction by 30km in which among the following states? 

 a) Gujarat b) Assam c) Rajasthan d) West Bengal

 20. What was India's rank on the Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index? 

 a) 10th b) 7th c) 5th d) 3rd

 21. Kushinagar International Airport will be which state's third international airport? 

a) Uttar Pradesh b) Madhya Pradesh c) Arunachal Pradesh d) Himachal Pradesh 

22. Which among the following nations is building its own space station? 

 a) Russia b) Israel c) Japan d) China

 23. Which team has won the 14th edition of the Indian Premier League? 

a) Chennai Super Kings b) Kolkata Knight Riders c) Delhi Capitals d) Mumbai Indians 

24. Which state administration has signed an MoU with Dubai government for real estate development? 

 a) J&K b) Ladakh c) Arunachal Pradesh d) Assam

 25. Allium Negianum, a new plant species, has been discovered in which state? 

 a) Uttarakhand b) Himachal Pradesh c) Meghalaya d) Manipur

 26. BRO's all-weather Nechiphu tunnel is being constructed near which state? 

? a) Himachal Pradesh b) Ladakh c) Jammu and Kashmir d) Arunachal Pradesh

 27. Ferozepur biomass power plant, which generated power with paddy stubble, is located in which state?

a) Uttar Pradesh b) Punjab c) Haryana d) Madhya Pradesh

 28. Which country's President has declared a state of emergency over drug violence? 

 a) Ecuador b) Venezuela c) Colombia d) Mexico 

29. Gita Gopinath is set to leave IMF and return to teach in which university? 

a) Harvard b) Yale c) Stanford d) Oxford

 30. Who has won the EU's top Human Rights award- Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought? 

 a) Maria Ressa b) Dmitry Muratov c) Alexei Navalny d) Ahmad Massoud 

31. India has been ranked at which position in the Global Food Security Index (GFSI) 2021?

 a) 87th b) 84th c) 71st d) 69th

 32. Which nation's meteorological agency has raised its alert level for Mount Aso volcano to 3 on a scale of 5, after it began erupting on October 20? 

 a) South Korea b) North Korea c) China d) Japan 

33. Which country has been newly added to the FATF grey list?

 a) Myanmar b) Turkey c) Bangladesh d) Sri Lanka 

34. Who will be honoured with the Satyajit Ray Lifetime Achievement Award at the 52nd IFFI?

 a) Martin Scorsese, Istvan Szabo b) Christopher Nolan, Hayao Miyazaki c) Sergio Leone, David Fincher d) Quentin Tarantino, Lilly Wachowski 

35. Georissa Mawsmaiensis, a new snail species have been discovered in a cave in which state? 

 a) Meghalaya b) Nagaland c) Manipur d) Arunachal Pradesh 

36. Who won the Best Actress award at the 67th National Film Awards? 

 a) Alia Bhatt b) Deepika Padukone c) Kangana Ranaut d) Priyanka Chopra 

37. Which nation will host the 16th G20 Summit?

 a) Italy b) UK c) France d) US

 38. What is the name of India’s first indigenous aircraft carrier? 

 a) INS Vikrant b) INS Arihant c) INS Shaurya d) INS Vikramaditya 

39. Which space agency is preparing to launch the DART mission to prevent the collision of Earth with an asteroid?

 a) NASA b) ISRO c) JAXA d) CNSA 

40. When was the Mullaperiyar dam was built?

a) 1986 b) 1895 c) 1900 d) 1921

 41. Google Doodle honoured Otto Wichterle on his 108th birthday on October 27, 2021. He is known for which among the following inventions? 

 a) Light bulb b) Contact Lens c) Radio d) Internet

 42. Which nation hosted the 16th East Asia Summit? 

 a) Brunei b) Vietnam c) Australia d) Japan

 43. Who has been reappointed as the RBI Governor?

 a) Anil Ambani b) Urjit Patel c) Shaktikanta Das d) M. Rajeshwar Rao

ANSWER KEY 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. D 21. A 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. C 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. A 36. C 37. A 38. A 39. A 40. B 41. B 42. A 43. C 

Current Affairs November 2021 

1. Which country will host Conference of Parties (COP-26) on climate change? 

 a) UK b) Canada c) France d) Germany 

2. Who among the following has agreed to spend $6 billion to solve world hunger if the UN shares a spending plan? 

a) Jeff Bezos b) Bill Gates c) Elon Musk d) Mark Zuckerberg

 3. India will achieve net-zero carbon emissions by which year, as per PM Modi’s address at the climate summit in Glasgow? 

a) 2040 b) 2050 c) 2070 d) 2090

 4. Which company has shut down its facial recognition system?

 a) Apple b) Google c) Facebook d) Microsoft

 5. Which state will introduce new Prevention of Loss of Public and Private Property and Recovery of Damages Act?

 a) Madhya Pradesh b) Himachal Pradesh c) Gujarat d) Rajasthan 

6. India has called for how much hike in climate finance? 

 a) 1 billion dollar b) 1 trillion dollar c) 5 million dollar d) 2 billion dollar

 7. Who has become the seventh male boxer to win a medal at World Boxing Championships?

 a) Vikas Krishnan b) Shiva Thapa c) Akash Kumar d) Amit Panghal

 8. Who won Nizami Ganjavi Award?

 a) Tedros Ghebreyesus b) Jim Yong Kim c) Antonio Guterress d) Kristalina Georgieva 

9. Who has won 2021 Booker Prize? 

 a) Khaled Hosseini b) Paulo Coelho c) Nguyen Phan Que Mai d) Damon Galgut 

10. Which country has become the first one to approve oral Covid pill?

 a) US b) UK c) Canada d) India 

11. Which party retained its absolute majority in Japan's Parliamentary Elections? 

 a) Liberal Democratic Party b) Japan Innovation Party c) Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan d) Democratic Party for the People 

12. Google Doodle celebrated the 104th birth anniversary of Dr. Kamal Ranadive. What was her profession? 

 a) Biologist b) Archeologist c) Astroner d) Socialist 

13. Which world leader was awarded the prestigious Padma Vibhushan award 2021 for his contribution in the field of Public Affairs? 

 a) Angela Merkel b) Shinzo Abe c) Vladimir Putin d) Barack Obama 

14. Which Indian city has joined UNESCO's Creative Cities Network 2021?

 a) Lucknow b) Bodh Gaya c) Srinagar d) Jaipur 

15. Which state retained its top spot in the National Logistics Index - LEADS 2021? 

 a) Assam b) Tamil Nadu c) Odisha d) Gujarat 

16. Astronaut Wang Yaping became the first woman from which country to walk in space? 

 a) South Korea b) China c) Japan d) Malaysia 

17. What is the name of the Eiffel Tower-sized asteroid that is heading towards Earth in December? 

 a) Apophis b) 1996 VB3 c) 2021 UA12 d) 4660 Nereus 

18. Who has been appointed as the next Chief of Naval Staff? 

 a) Ajit Kumar P b) Atul Kumar Jain c) R Hari Kumar d) Ajendra Bahadur Singh

 19. Who has been appointed as the new NDRF Director-General?

a) Atul Karwal b) Sheel Vardhan Singh c) K Vijay Kumar d) Dr. Nazrul Islam 

20. DRDO has signed an agreement with which nation for the development of dual-use technologies?

 a) Russia b) Germany c) France d) Israel 

21. Which state government has decided to create a database of people aged 30 years and above for early detection and treatment of lifestyle diseases? 

 a) Kerala b) Maharashtra c) Delhi d) Telangana 

22. Who has become India’s wealthiest self-made woman billionaire? 

 a) Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw b) Falguni Nayar c) DivyaGokulnath d) Leena Tewari 

23. Which nation became the 101st member country of the International Solar Alliance? 

 a) Japan b) US c) Germany d) Australia 

24. Which nation has passed a ‘historical resolution’ boosting its President's authority? 

 a) South Africa b) China c) Russia d) Japan

 25. The central government has moved an ordinance proposing an extension of tenure of CBI and ED Directors up to how many years? 

 a) 5 years b) 6 years c) 4 years d) 7 years 

26. When is Birsa Munda's birth anniversary? 

a) November 12th b) November 13th c) November 14th d) November 15th

 27. What is the new name of Habibganj railway station?

 a) Rani Kamalapati b) Rani Padmavati c) Rani Lakshmibai d) Chand bibi 

28. India will be receiving an S-400 Triumf air defence system from which nation?

 a) Germany b) France c) Russia d) US 

29. India’s First Food Museum has been launched in which state? 

 a) Tamil Nadu b) Telangana c) Andhra Pradesh d) Kerala 

30. Which among the following organisations has recieved Guinness World Records for the world’s highest motorable road in Ladakh? 

 a) BRC b) BRO c) BOD d) DRO

 31. Uttar Pradesh's first anti-air pollution tower will be inaugurated in which city?

 a) Noida b) Lucknow c) Ghaziabad d) Kanpur 

32. Revamped Rezang La War memorial was inaugurated in which state/ UT?

 a) Arunachal Pradesh b) Ladakh c) Jammu and Kashmir d) Sikkim 

33. Who is the author of the novel Lal Salaam, which is based on tragic killings of 76 CRPF personnel at Dantewada in April 2010?

 a) Smriti Irani b) Meira Kumar c) Maneka Gandhi d) Sonia Gandhi 

34. Which city will host G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in December 2021? 

 a) Beijing b) Liverpool c) Glasgow d) Berlin 

35. Which is India's first P15B stealth-guided missile destroyer ship? 

 a) INS Vishakhapatnam b) INS Kochi c) INS Airavat d) INS Kanyakumari 

36. Indian Air Force Chief Vivek R Chaudhari has been decorated with which medal? 

 a) Vir Chakra b) Shaurya Chakra c) Param Vishisht Seva Medal d) Kirti Chakra 

37. Which one is India’s highest Gallantry award? 

 a) Vir Chakra b) Param Vir Chakra c) MahaVir Chakra d) Kirti Chakra 

38. What was the name of the Military Operation executed against China by the Indian Army to control heights along LAC in Eastern Ladakh? 

 a) Operation Calm Down b) Operation Blue Star c) Operation Snow Leopard d) Operation Rakshak

 39. Which bank has launched a new online platform ‘Trade Emerge’ for exporters and importers across India? 

 a) Axis b) ICICI c) HDFC d) PNB 

40. Indian Army received two Mirage 2000 trainer aircraft from which nation? 

 a) Germany b) France c) US d) Russia 

41. What is the name of NASA’s first planetary defence test mission? 

 a) DART b) SpaceX c) DASH d) ASTRO 

42. India has signed a $300 million loan agreement with which financial institution to improve primary healthcare in urban areas? 

 a) ADB b) IMF c) WB d) EBRD 

Current Affairs December 2021 

1. World AIDS day celebrated on which date? 

 a) 1 December b) 2 December c) 4 December d) 3 December 

2. Which among the following is the world's most expensive city?

 a) Tel Aviv b) Paris c) Singapore d) New York 

3. When is BSF's 57th Raising Day observed? 

? a) December 10th b) December 7th c) December 5th d) December 1st 

4. When is Cyclone Jawad likely to hit Andhra Pradesh and Odisha? 

 a) December 4th b) December 10th c) December 15th d) December 20th

 5. When is National Pollution Control Day observed? 

 a) December 1st b) December 2nd c) December 3rd d) December 4th

 6. Who has been awarded Woman of the Year by World Athletics? 

 a) PT Usha b) Anju Bobby George c) Dutee Chand d) Hima Das

 7. India is scheduled to sign a deal to procure around 7.5 lakh AK-203 assault rifles with which nation? 

a) Russia b) Germany c) France d) United States

 8. During a Solar Eclipse, what comes in front of the Sun and blocks its light? 

 a) Earth b) Moon c) Venus d) Mars

 9. who has topped the Fortune India 50 Most Powerful Women list? 

a) Nirmala Sitharaman b) Nita Ambani c) Gita Gopinath d) Priyanka Chopra 

10. Who will be appointed as IMF's First Deputy Managing Director? I

 a) Gita Gopinath b) Suchitra Ella c) Soumya Swaminathan d) Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

 11. Who is the new Twitter CEO? 

 a) Sundar Pichai b).Nikesh..Arora c) Parag Aggarwal d) George Kurian 

12. Who is the commander-in-chief of the Indian Armed Forces?

 a) President of India b) Defence Minister c) Prime Minister d) Chief of Defence Staff 

 13. Who has been invited to join the Board of Advisers of International IDEA? 

 a) SA Bobde b) Ranjan Gogoi c) Sunil Arora d) N. V. Ramana 

14. Which nation hosted the 4th Asia Youth Para Games? 

 a) Oman b) Bahrain c) China d) Japan 

15. Which among the following is one of the key reasons for the destruction of coral reefs? 

 a) Overfishing b) Overmining c) Glacier melting d) Maritime exercises

 16. Which country won the FIH Men's Hockey junior World Cup 2021? 

 a) Argentina b) Germany c) France d) Spain 

17. Who has been appointed as the new Global CEO of Chanel? 

 a) Leena Nair b) Indra Nooyi c) Reshma Shetty d) Jayshree Ullal 

18. Who has been crowned Miss Universe 2021?

 a) Harnaaz Sandhu b) Lalela Lali Mswane c) Nadia Ferreira d) Valeria Maria

 19. Who has assumed charge as Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee? 

 a) Admiral R. Hari Kumar b) Army Chief General MM Naravane c) Air Chief Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari d) Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria 

20. Which among the following has been inscribed in the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity? 

a) Durga Puja in Kolkata b) Onam in Kerala c) Chhath Puja in Bihar d) Baisakhi in Punjab 

21. Union Cabinet has approved a proposal to raise the legal marriage age of women from 18 to how many years? 

 a) 21 years b) 25 years c) 23 years d) 19 years 

22. Which nation has honoured Prime Minister Narendra Modi its highest civilian award - Ngadag Pel gi Khorlo? 

 a) Bhutan b) Malaysia c) Indonesia d) Sri Lanka 

23. Who was crowned the Formula One World Champion 2021?

 a) C. Sainz Jr. b) Fernando Alonso c) Max Verstappen d) Lewis Hamilton 

24. Which year did the Panama Papers leak happen? 

 a) 2016 b) 2017 c) 2018 d) 2019 

25. Which state has adopted a resolution demanding repeal of AFSPA? 

 a) Nagaland b) Manipur c) Tripura d) Arunachal Pradesh 

26. Which state will get its first Teachers University? 

 a) Delhi b) Rajasthan c) Madhya Pradesh d) Uttar Pradesh 

27. Which country has decided to close all of its nuclear power plants by 2025? 

 a) France b) Germany c) Russia d) Belgium 

28. Who has become the first Indian male shuttler to win silver at BWF World Championships? 

 a) Kidambi Srikanth b) Lakshya Sen c) HS Prannoy d) Sai Praneeth

 ANSWER KEY 1. A 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. A 21. A 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. A 26. A 27. D 28. A 

Current Affairs January 2022

 1. Who has become the new CEO of the Railway Board? 

 a) Vinay Kumar Tripathi b) Satish Shinde c) Sunil Kumar d) Suvendu Kumar

 2. Who has become the first Indian-origin woman to trek solo to South Pole? 

a) Sneha Sharma b) Sunita Williams c) Srishti Bandla d) Harpreet Chandi

 3. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone of PGI Satellite Centre in which city? 

 a) Ferozepur b) Meerut c) Bhopal d) Imphal

 4. Dr. Alka Mittal has been appointed as which company's first woman Chairperson and Managing Director? 

 a) Indian Oil b) ONGC c) Bharat Petroleum d) Hindustan Petroleum 

5. India's first unique ‘Rock’ museum has been inaugurated in which city? 

 a) Bengaluru b) Lucknow c) Hyderabad d) Pune 

6. Which two tourist areas have been declared as strategic areas in Jammu and Kashmir?

a) Pahalgam, Patnitop b) Jammu, Katra c) Amarnath, Anantnag d) Gulmarg, Sonamarg

 7. Which film won the Golden Globe Award 2022 in Best Motion Picture- Drama category?

 a) The Power of the Dog b) Belfast c) King Richard d) Dune

 8. Which company will replace Vivo as the title sponsor of IPL 2022? 

 a) Reliance b) Vodafone Idea c) Mahindra & Mahindra d) Tata

 9. When was National Youth Day 2022 observed? 

 a) January 9th b) January 10th c) January 11th d) January 12th 

10. Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas has been named as the new Chief Economist of which international body? 

 a) World Bank b) IMF c) ADB d) BRBD 

11. Who has been appointed as the new Chief of ISRO?

 a) S Somanath b) T. S. Tirumurti c) V Muraleedharan d) Veerappa Moily

 12. Which state government has decided to bring a law to regulate online gaming? 

 a) Kerala b) Madhya Pradesh c) Uttar Pradesh d) Rajasthan 

13. Which country has awarded a USD 375 million contract to India for the BrahMos missile?

a) Indonesia b) The Philippines c) Croatia d) Namibia

 14. Which country has built an artificial moon on Earth that can make gravity disappear? 

a) Russia b) US c) China d) Japan 

15. Who won the men's singles final at India Open 2022? 

 a) Loh Kean Yew b) Lakshya Sen c) Kidambi Srikanth d) B. Sai Praneeth 

16. Who has taken over as the new AEPC Chairman? 

a) Narendra Goenka b) Anand Mahindra c) Samir Mehta d) Pawan Munjal 

17. International Labour Organisation has projected how much global unemployment in 2022? 

a) 150 million b) 200 million c) 207 million d) 215 million 

18. Who has been awarded the Best FIFA Men's Player Award 2021? 

a) Robert Lewandowski b) Lionel Messi c) Christiano Ronaldo d) Neymar

 19. Who has been chosen as the new head of the European Parliament?

 a) Roberta Metsola b) Angela Merkel c) Sanna Marin d) Magdalena Andersson 

20. There was an explosion aboard which Indian Naval Ship on January 18th? 

 a) INS Vikrant b) INS Ranvir c) INS Vishakhapatnam d) INS Vikramaditya

 21. Which bank has won the right to sell Vijay Mallya's London home?

a) ADIB b) BFC c) UBS d) CAF 

22. Which nation is relocating its capital to Nusantara? 

 a) Malaysia b) Indonesia c) Brunei d) Vietnam 

23. Which nation's warship 'Bayern' arrived in Mumbai on January 21st in a rare port call? 

 a) France b) US c) Russia d) Germany 

24. When is National Girl Child Day observed? 

 a) January 23rd b) January 24th c) January 25th d) January 26th 

25. Who has been named ICC Women's Cricketer of the Year 2021? 

 a) Smriti Mandhana b) Tammy Beaumont c) Lizelle Lee d) Mitali Raj 

26. Which company is expected to unveil the world's fastest supercomputer by mid-2022? 

 a) Meta b) Google c) Amazon d) Microsoft 

27. India’s first Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat will be posthumously honoured with which among the following awards? 

 a) Bharat Ratna b) Padma Vibhushan c) Padma Bhushan d) None of the Above 

28. Which Ministry presented its tableau at the Republic Day Parade 2022? 

 a) Jal Shakti b) Women and Child c) Civil Aviation d) Health

 29. Which company has announced USD 1 billion investment in Bharti Airtel? 

 a) Amazon b) Microsoft c) Apple d) Google 

30. Which institute has developed a COVID-19 diagnosis technique using chest X-ray images? 

 a) IIT Madras b) IIT Kanpur c) IIT Bombay d) IIT Jodhpur 

31. Ashneer Grover is the co-founder of which among the following companies? 

 a) Paytm b) PayPal c) BharatPe d) Global66 

32. Who won the record-breaking 21st Grand Slam title on January 30, 2022? 

 a) Rafael Nadal b) Daniil Medvedev c) Novak Djokovic d) Roger Federer 

Current Affairs February 2022

 1. Which state has launched 'Obavva Art of Self Defence Training' programme for 50,000 girl students? 

 a) Delhi b) Karnataka c) Maharashtra d) Madhya Pradesh

 2. Which country won the ICC Under 19 World Cup 2022? 

 a) England b) Australia c) India d) West Indies 

3. Which bank will introduce a digital rupee in India? 

a) RBI b) SBI c) PNB d) BOB 

4. How much tax will be levied on the transfer of virtual assets? 

a) 20 percent b) 30 percent c) 40 percent d) 50 percent 

5. India has finalised Hoysala Temples located in which state as its nominations for World Heritage Sites List for 2022-23? 

 a) Madhya Pradesh b) Karnataka c) Telangana d) Tamil Nadu 

6. Who is the only Indian sportsperson to have won Laureus World Sports Award? 

 a) MS Dhoni b) Rahul Dravid c) Sachin Tendulkar d) Virat Kohli

 7. PM Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Statue of Equality in which city on February 5? 

 a) Lucknow b) Pune c) Hyderabad d) Bhopal

 8. NASA is planning to retire the International Space Station by which year? 

 a) March 2030 b) January 2031 c) December 2025 d) January 2026 

9. Who has been named the winner of ICC Spirit of Cricket Award 2021? 

 a) Kane Williamson b) Joe Root c) Quinton de Kock d) Daryl Mitchell

 10. When is World Cancer Day observed? 

 a) February 4th b) February 5th c) February 6th d) February 8th

 11. Which state's tableau was adjudged as the best in Republic Day Parade 2022? 

a) Gujarat b) Punjab c) Uttar Pradesh d) Goa 

12. India has offered a one-year training programme to 80 cadets from which nation? 

 a) South Korea b) Russia c) Afghanistan d) Bangladesh 

13. Who has become Asia's richest person, as per Bloomberg Billionaires Index?

a) Cyrus Poonawalla b) Gautam Adani c) Azim Premji d) Shiv Nadar 

14. Praveen Kumar Sobti passed away on February 7, 2022. He was popular for essaying which role in BR Chopra's Mahabharat?

 a) Bheem b) Arjun c) Krishna d) Yudhisthira

 15. When will the first Global Summit on Museums be held?

 a) February 15th b) February 12th c) February 13h d) February 14th 

16. The BCCI plans to launch women's IPL by which year? 

 a) 2023 b) 2025 c) 2024 d) 2022 

17. Which UT has become the first one to be integrated with the National Single Window System? 

 a) New Delhi b) Puducherry c) Ladakh d) Jammu and Kashmir

 18. Which country has banned the import of drones? 

? a) Pakistan b) India c) Bangladesh d) Nepal 

19. What is the new name of the Ahmedabad IPL team? 

a) Gujarat Lions b) Gujarat Titans c) Ahmedabad Titans d) Ahmedabad Giants 

20. Which country is organising the One Ocean Summit? 

 a) India b) US c) France d) Australia 

21. India’s first Biomass-based hydrogen plant will be built in which state? 

 a) Madhya Pradesh b) Uttar Pradesh c) Gujarat d) Telangana

 22. Which nation plans to hold military drills in the Black Sea amid high tension? 

 a) Russia b) China c) US d) Japan

 23. Which state/ UT government has signed a deal with New Zealand to transform sheep farming? 

 a) Arunachal Pradesh b) Jammu and Kashmir c) Ladakh d) Himachal Pradesh 

24. What is the projected real GDP growth for FY 2022-23? 

 a) 8.7 percent b) 7.8 percent c) 7.6 percent d) 6.9 percent

 25. Which was the most congested city in the world in 2021? 

 a) New Delhi b) Moscow c) Istanbul d) Mumbai 

26. Which film has received maximum nominations at the 94th Academy Awards? 

 a) Belfast b) West Side Story c) The Power Of The Dog d) Dune 

27. National Women's Day is observed to commemorate whose birth anniversary?

 a) Sarojini Naidu b) Rani Lakshmibai c) Sucheta Kripalani d) Aruna Asaf Ali

 28. Ilker Ayci has been appointed as the new CEO of Air India. He was previously serving as the Chairman of which international airlines? 

 a) Singapore Airlines b) Emirates c) Turkish Airlines d) Qatar Airways

 29. Who was the most expensive player to be sold in IPL Mega Auction 2022? 

 a) Deepak Chahar b) Shreyas Iyer c) Shikhar Dhawan d) Ishan Kishan

 30. Australia has listed which animal as 'endangered' species? 

 a) Kangaroo b) Koala c) Kookaburra d) Emu 

31. Which country is hosting the World Sustainable Development Summit 2022? 

 a) India b) UK c) France d) Russia 

32. Which nation's Land Forces Commander visited India for the very first time on February 14th, 2022?

a) Oman b) UAE c) Saudi Arabia d) Qatar 

33. Which state has decided to launch a portal to invite suggestions for the renaming of cities that are currently contrary to Indian culture? 

 a) Uttar Pradesh b) Gujarat c) Assam d) Madhya Pradesh 

34. Which country is hosting Badminton Asia Team Championships 2022? 

a) Indonesia b) Japan c) Malaysia d) India 

35. Which year was the world's first chickenpox vaccine rolled out? 

 a) 1975 b) 1986 c) 1981 d) 1969 

36. Which state government conferred their highest civilian award upon Ratan Tata? 

a) Meghalaya b) Assam c) Maharashtra d) Telangana 

37. India has signed Work Plan 2022 with which country to reduce trade barrier? 

a) France b) Russia c) Denmark d) Germany 

38. How many people have been given death sentence in the 2008 Ahmedabad serial bomb blast case verdict? 

a) 29 b) 31 c) 38 d) 42 

39. Which company is likely to launch IPO worth USD 8 billion in March? 

a) Air India b) LIC c) ONGC d) HAL

 40. When film won Best Film award at the Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival Awards 2022? 

 a) Shershaah b) 83 c) Mimi d) Pushpa 

41. Who has won the award for Best Actor at DPIFF Awards 2022? DPIFF 

 a) Ranveer Singh b) Sidharth Malhotra c) Ahan Shetty d) Aayush Sharma 

 42. Which country had initiated the idea of observing the International Mother Language Day?

a) India b) Bangladesh c) Sri Lanka d) Nepal 

43. Which is the first IPL team to unveil their team logo in the metaverse? 

a) Gujarat Titans b) Lucknow Super Giants c) Mumbai Indians d) Kolkata Knight Riders 

44. Vipula Gunatilleka has been appointed as the new CFO of which airlines? 

a) Air India b) Vistara c) Jet Airways d) Indigo

 45. Which COVID-19 vaccine has become the second one in India to get emergency use approval for administration among those aged below 18 years? 

 a) Corbevax b) Covishield c) Sputnik d) Johnson & Johnson 

46. Which regiment's units were honoured with the President's Colours on February 23rd? 

a) Rajputana Rifles b) Parachute Regiment c) Sikh Regiment d) Jat Regiment 

47. Which nation will host the air exercise called 'Cobra Warrior'? '

 a) UAE b) UK c) Singapore d) Malaysia 

48. Which nation has successfully tested its new naval air defence system called 'C-Dome'? 

 a) Israel b) Iran c) Turkey d) North Korea 

49. Which country invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022? 

 a) Russia b) United States c) China d) Japan 

50. How many countries are a part of the NATO Alliance? 

a) 15 b) 20 c) 25 d) 30 

51. Which state has launched India's first night navigation mobile app for ferry services on a river? 

a) Gujarat b) Maharashtra c) West Bengal d) Assam 

52. Who is slated to become the new world no.1 Tennis Player? 

a) Daniil Medvedev b) Rafael Nadal c) Roger Federer d) Andy Murray 

53. Indian Railway’s first solar plant will be built in which state? 

a) Madhya Pradesh b) Telangana c) Himachal Pradesh d) Andhra Pradesh 

54. Which state will get India’s first e-waste eco park? 

a) Uttar Pradesh b) Delhi c) Rajasthan d) Punjab 

55. Dharma Guardian exercise is held between India and which country?

a) Australia b) Sri Lanka c) Canada d) Japan 

56. Which is the first country in the world to authorize use of a plant-based COVID-19 vaccine?

a) India b) UK c) Canada d) US 

57. Which among the following countries does not border the Black Sea? 

 a) Italy b) Bulgaria c) Georgia d) Turkey 

58. Which country is hosting multilateral exercise MILAN 2022? 

a) India b) France c) UK d) Malaysia 

59. India has launched which operation to bring back its nationals from Ukraine? 

 a) Operation Yamuna b) Operation Saraswati c) Operation Ganga d) Operation Bharat 

60. When is National Science Day observed?

a) February 26th b) February 27th c) February 28th d) February 29th

 61. Which sports federation has suspended Vladimir Putin as Honorary President? 

 a) International Judo Federation b) International Volleyball Federation c) International Football Federation d) International Chess Federation 

62. Which cricket team arrived in Pakistan for first tour in 24 years on February 27, 2022? 

a) England b) Australia c) Sri Lanka d) New Zealand

 63. Who won Mexico Open 2022 Men's singles title?

 a) Rafael Nadal b) Cameron Norrie c) Daniil Medvedev d) Stefanos Tsitsipas

Current Affairs March 2022 

1. Which country has closed off Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits to limit transit of Russian warships to the Black Sea? 

 a) Bulgaria b) Turkey c) Ukraine d) Romania 

2. Madhabi Puri Buch has become the first woman Chairperson of which financial regulator? 

 a) SEBI b) FRB c) OCC d) FDIC 

3. When is World Wildlife Day observed? 

 a) March 1st b) March 2nd c) March 3rd d) March 5th 

4. Which year did Ukraine gain Independence from the Soviet Union? 

 a) 1990 b) 1989 c) 1991 d) 1992 

5. Who has been appointed as the new CEO of Jet Airways?

 a) Sanjiv Kapoor b) Vinod Kannan c) Ajay Singh d) Ashwani Lohani 

6. Which among the following has become the official partner of TATA IPL 2022?

 a) RuPay b) Paytm c) Visa d) BharatPe 

7. Which nation is hosting the ICC Women’s World Cup 2022? ICC 

 a) India b) New Zealand c) Australia d) West Indies 

8. What is the name of India’s automatic train collision protection system? 

 a) Dhaal b) Raksha c) Suraksha d) Kavach 

9. Which among the following is Europe’s largest nuclear power plant? 

 a) Zaporizhzhia b) Cernavodă c) Bohunice d) Khmelnytskyi 

10. Who is the author of the book Unfinished? 

a) Anuja Chauhan b) Salman Rushdie c) Priyanka Chopra d) Amitav Ghosh 

11. Who is the author of the book the Blue Umbrella? 

a) R. K. Narayan b) Arundhati Roy c) RK Laxman d) Ruskin Bond 

12. Indian diplomat Mukul Arya passed away in an untimely manner. He was an Indian envoy to which among the following countries? 

a) Israel b) Palestine c) Turkey d) Ukraine 

13. What is the name of the new payments service launched by RBI? 

a) 120Pay b) 123Pay c) 157Pay d) 234Pay 

14. What is Digisaathi? 

 a) 24x7 Helpline b) UPI Payments Service c) Digital Payments App d) None of the Above

 15. Yoon Suk-yeol has been elected as which nation’s next President? 

 a) Vietnam b) South Korea c) Indonesia d) Malaysia 

16. India's 1st women-owned industrial park has opened in which city? 

a) Pune b) Hyderabad c) Bengaluru d) Chennai 

17. Who became the first foreign leader in the history to directly address UK's House of Commons? 

 a) US President Joe Biden b) Indian PM Narendra Modi c) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky d) French President Emmanuel Macron 

18. Who won Best Actor at BAFTA Awards 2022?

 a) Benedict Cumberbatch b) Leonardo Dicaprio c) Stephen Graham d) Will Smith 

19. Who has been appointed as Air India Chairman? 

a) N Chandrasekarana b) Harish Manwani c) Ajay Piramal d) Venu Srinivasan 

20. Google Doodle celebrated the 200th birth anniversary of artist Rosa Bonheur on March 16, 2022. She was a renowned 19th-century painter from which among the following countries? 

 a) Denmark b) Switzerland c) France d) Spain 

21. Which among the following artwork brought international recognition to Rosa Bonheur in 1853?

 a) The Horse Fair b) Haymaking in the Auvergne c) Weaning the Calves d) The Pyrenees 

22. When will the 36th International Geological Congress be held? 

 a) March 20th b) March 25th c) April 1st d) April 10th

 23. Who has been crowned Miss World 2021? 

 a) Karolina Bielawaska b) Shree Saini c) Karolina Vidales d) Anna Leitch

 24. When is Cyclone Asani predicted to hit Andaman & Nicobar Islands? 

 a) March 18th b) March 19th c) March 20th d) March 21st 

25. Who has created history by claiming 250 wickets in Women's ODIs? 

a) Deepti Sharma b) Poonam Yadav c) Jhulan Goswami d) Rajeshwari Gayakwad 

26. When is the International Day of Forests observed? 

a) March 19th b) March 20th c) March 21st d) March 22nd 

27. Who won the men's singles final at ATP Indian Wells Masters 2022? 

a) Rafael Nadal b) Alexander Zverev c) Taylor Fritz d) Stefanos Tsitsipas 2

8. The World Water Day 2022 theme focusses on which among the following freshwater sources?

a) Glaciers b) Reservoirs c) Lakes d) Groundwater 

29. When is World Tuberculosis Day observed? 

a) March 23th b) March 24th c) March 25 th d) March 26th 

30. Which state has topped NITI Aayog's Export Preparedness Index 2021? 

a) Karnataka b) Gujarat c) Telangana d) Maharashtra 

31. Which Indian brand has been named as the official sponsor of FIFA World Cup 2022? 

 a) BYJU'S b) Upgrad c) Vedantu d) Unacademy 

32. Which film won the Best Film award at Oscars 2022? 

a) King Richard b) The Power of Dog c) West Side Story d) CODA 

33. Who has been named the new CEO of FedEx?

a) Raj Subramaniam b) Shantanu Narayen c) Nikesh Arora d) Arvind Krishna 

34. Who has become the third woman to win an Oscar for Best Director for Netflix's 'The Power of the Dog'?

 a) Patty Jenkins b) Ava DuVernay c) Sofia Coppola d) Jane Campion 

35. Which country has qualified for its first FIFA World Cup in 36 years? 

 a) Luxembourg b) Canada c) Finland d) Guatemala 

36. Which country hosted BIMSTEC Summit 2022? 

a) Sri Lanka b) India c) Bangladesh d) Thailand 

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